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How to write Comments in C Programming

How to write Comments in C Programming What Is Comment In C Language? A comment is an explanation or description of the source code of the program. It helps a developer explain logic of the code and improves program readability. At run-time, a comment is ignored by the compiler. There are two types of comments in C: 1) A comment that starts with a slash asterisk /* and finishes with an asterisk slash */ and you can place it anywhere in your code, on the same line or several lines. 2) Single-line Comments which uses a double slash // dedicated to comment single lines Example Single Line Comment // single line comment example Here is an example of comments type // C program to demo // Single Line comment #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { // This is a single line comment printf("Guru99"); return 0; // return zero } Example Multi Line Comment /* Sample Multiline Comment Line 1 Line 2 …. … */ Example Multi Line Comment #